find singularities parametric curves and tangent Plane at a point on a cone

Obtain the surface equation of the cone| tangent Plane at a point|knowledge by mathematicians

Msc Sem II Unit I Differential Geometry 9

Multivariable calculus 4.5.3: The tangent plane to a parametrized surface

§16.6 Equation of a Tangent Plane to a Parametrized Surface

Birational Geometry, Lecture 9: Cone Theorem I

Singularities of mappings part 1

Webinar - Isolated singularities of Elliptic Linear Weingarten graphs - Asun Jiménez


3D Lesson CONE PART 1

Multivariable calculus 2.4.3: Tangent planes revisited

Classical curves | Differential Geometry 1 | NJ Wildberger

Karen E. Smith 'Extremal Singularities' (Colloquium 3)

Algebraic geometry 37: Singular points (replacement video))

A panorama on Singularities: Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Applications - Marcos Craizer

Lev Birbrair (Universidade Federal do Ceará) Lipshitz geometry of singularities

Goo Ishikawa: Singularities of tangent surfaces and generalised frontal

Lecture 5: Surfaces II

Simion Filip (Harvard) Integral-affine structures, with singularities

Singular plane curves and stable nonsqueezing phenomena - Kyler Siegel

Xiaowei Wang: Algebraicity of the metric tangent cones

A panorama on Singularities: Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Applications - Raúl Oset-Sinha

Geometry of complex surface singularities and 3-manifolds - Neumann

Multivariable calculus 4.5.3: The tangent plane to a parametrized surface (old version)

Karen E. Smith 'Understanding and Measuring Singularities in Algebraic Geometry' (Colloquium 1)